The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - C.84 - Bustling Group Training (1)


[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 84 - Bustling Group Training (1)

As we ate cake, I explained the plan to the students.

"You three will be working together, so you'll receive separate training."

"Separate training?"

"I’ll handle the combat training, and Professor Ismera will take care of the theory. The two Head Professors will be personally involved."


Knightley’s face lit up with uncontrollable excitement as she realized what this meant.

For a diligent and ambitious top student like Knightley, there couldn’t be better news.

She seemed even more excited than when I offered her personal tutoring.

"I have a question."

Merilda said, raising her hand.

"If Professor Ismera is also going to be involved, why isn’t she here?"

"She’s on her way. She had some work at the department and will be a bit late."

"Hmph, that arrogant elf... Who does she think she is...?"

Hindrasta sneered, but Merilda turned to her.

"Sophia, I don’t know much about you, but I think it’s important to show respect to our professors at the academy."

"None of your business."

"We’re not strangers anymore. We should show proper respect to the professor who’s teaching us."

Merilda gently but firmly admonished Hindrasta with a smile.

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Hindrasta looked like she was about to retort but, after meeting Merilda’s gaze, merely scratched her head in annoyance.

"Professor, if we’re going to have separate classes as a team, shouldn’t we also have separate accommodations?"

Knightley asked. I considered this for a moment. It wasn’t a bad idea.

"I agree with Knightley. It would be much more efficient for us to train together."

Merilda chimed in with a smile.

"I heard that you live in a detached house on the academy grounds, Professor. That seems like an ideal place."

Why is she suddenly bringing up my house?

"Are you a genius? No wonder you did so well in the intelligence course."

Knightley suddenly praised Merilda, seemingly delighted with the idea.

"I think staying at the professor’s house for group training is a great idea. What do you think, Pinkhead?"

"Absolutely not! I’d rather sleep on the bare ground!"

Hindrasta growled, baring her teeth.

"Then you can sleep outside. Merilda and I will stay at the professor’s house."

Knightley said, giving Merilda a friendly look.

Just a moment ago, she had been wary of Merilda, but now that she had suggested staying at my house, they seemed like best friends.

"Professor, we’ll go pack our things from the dorms. We can discuss the rest at your place."

"Hey, wait! This is my house we’re talking about. Shouldn’t I have a say in this?"

I called out to Knightley and Merilda as they began to stand up.

"Shouldn’t we focus on how the training will be conducted first? Isn’t that more important?"

"But eating and sleeping arrangements are important too. So, what do you think, Professor?"

"Well, my thoughts are—"

At that moment, I noticed Professor Ismera approaching from the distance, her meeting at the department apparently over.

"Professor! Over here!"

Ismera flinched slightly when she saw me, then composed herself and walked over.

"Hello, Professor."

Knightley and Merilda greeted her with a bow, while Hindrasta remained indifferent.

Merilda, still smiling, placed a hand on Hindrasta’s shoulder. novelbuddy.cσ๓

"Sophia, aren’t you going to greet the professor?"


Hindrasta seemed like she was about to protest, but after seeing Merilda’s gaze, she reluctantly bowed her head.


A look that can even subdue a dragon... She’s got quite the strong will.

It’s often the calm, gentle ones who have the strongest mental fortitude, stronger even than those with fearsome appearances like Hindrasta.

"Good to see you all. Sorry I’m late"

Ismera said, gracefully returning the greetings as she sat down. She glanced at the half-eaten cake on the table and forced a smile.

"Professor, here."

Merilda offered a fork, but Ismera waved it off.

"Thank you, Student Merilda, but I’ll pass. I don’t eat cake."

"Elves only eat plants. They don’t eat meat or anything that comes from living creatures. Didn’t you know that?"

Hindrasta seized the opportunity to boast, but Merilda turned to her with a warm smile.

"Thanks for the information, Sophia. I knew elves are vegetarians, but I think it’s polite to offer food, even if you’re not sure they’ll eat it."

"Damn it..."

Hindrasta, already frustrated by Merilda’s subtle rebukes, found herself unable to mount a proper counterattack.

When the upper-class bullies insulted her as a "whore of Leblanc," she simply beat them up. But dealing with someone like Merilda was far trickier.

Hindrasta, with her strength-focused character, was ill-matched against Merilda’s type. This is exactly how she should be handled.

And let’s not forget that Merilda was a deputy administrator who helped a ruined village rise to city status. She has experience that shouldn’t be underestimated.

And with Merilda’s demeanor, there’s something in her eyes that’s hard to ignore or dismiss.

She’s what you might call a "hidden, intense presence" under a calm exterior...

She even managed to assert herself over Knightley right from the start.

She disarmed Knightley by addressing her by name as soon as they made eye contact and then won her over during the suggestion to train at my house.

There are different ways to assert dominance. Making someone feel a strong positive connection with you is one of them.

Initially, I was going to have Knightley lead the team, but judging by how things are going, Merilda might end up being the implicit leader.

With Ismera now seated, we began discussing the training plan for the team.

I explained the agreed-upon details to the students, and we confirmed any restrictions.

"So, we’re going to adjust the class schedule so that we can focus on intensive instruction from the professors?"

Knightley summarized, trying to contain her excitement.

"I understand everything, and I have no objections. Right, you two?"

"Yeah, Knightley. I’m in."


Merilda replied brightly, while Hindrasta answered indifferently.

"Now, back to what we were talking about earlier. We’re planning to do group training. What do you think about that, Professor Ismera?"

Knightley hadn’t given up on the idea yet and was now trying to get Ismera on board.

"Group training?"

"Yes. Since the competition isn’t far off, we thought we’d stay at the Head Combat Professor’s house to eat, sleep, and study together."

"Th-three female students living in a male professor’s house...?"

Ismera’s expression was one of utter disbelief as she looked at me.

Her eyes seemed to be saying, ‘Explain yourself right now, you bastard.’

"Nothing’s been decided yet. It’s just what the kids want..."

"What do you think, Professor Ismera?"

"Well, I..."

Ismera’s beautiful emerald eyes darted nervously between me and the students as she struggled to find the right words.

"I think it might be inappropriate. People might find it very strange for female students to stay at a male professor’s house."

"But you’ve been living with a girl much younger than us for over ten years now, haven’t you, Professor?"


Ismera nearly jumped out of her seat, looking at me in shock.

"Is that true?!"

Oh, right, Ismera doesn’t know about Olysia.

Since she isn’t part of the Combat Department and doesn’t like me, she probably never cared about my personal life. It would have been odd if she had.

"It’s not like that. She’s my maid. I took her in when she was a war orphan being sold into slavery. She’s more like a child I’m raising."

Ismera said nothing.

"It’s true! If you don’t believe me, you can ask her yourself! Why do people always assume... what’s that word?"


"Yeah, Sophia, that! Wait, no! Not that!"

"Why did you hit me?!!!"

Hindrasta clutched her head, crying after I smacked her.

"Ugh, quiet."

Knightley pretended to cover her ears, while Merilda gently patted Sophia’s head.

"Anyway, it’s not like that. Don’t get the wrong idea, Professor Ismera."

"If that’s the case, then it’s even better."

Knightley said.

"With the maid living there, nothing strange will happen."

"Professor Ismera, as an educator, don’t you think group training would be beneficial?"

"Of course, for team-based training, group training is definitely—"

"Guys! Professor Ismera just gave her permission!"

"No, I didn’t say anything about permission, and that’s not what I meant—"

"Thank you, Professor. We’ll work hard under your guidance and win first place in the competition."

Merilda interjected politely before Ismera could finish.

"It can’t be helped, then, Professor."

Ismera said, turning to me.

"The students are so eager, and group training is beneficial. I think it’s only right for you to make a small sacrifice."

"That’s right, Professor. The whole academy is focused on the competition. We need to give it our all."

"Quiet, Knightley. It’s my house, not yours."

"If you’re really worried, why don’t you join the group training too, Professor Ismera?"

"N-no, I’ll pass...!"

These kids are really something.

It looks like my words won’t have any effect, so it’s time to bring Kirrin into this.

Kirrin likes me, so she’ll strongly oppose the idea of group training.

And what will they do when the headmaster herself says no?

"I think it’s a good idea."

Kirrin approved.


"Doing well in the competition is important. Let’s go with it."

"But, headmaster..."

"There’s no big problem. They’re still kids, and it’s not like you’ll be alone with them. The maid will be there too."

Kirrin smiled.

"And Dian, you wouldn’t have any inappropriate thoughts about them, right?"

"Of course not. I’m more interested in women with mature figures, like the headmaster or Professor Ismera—no, no, I mean, I don’t like children that young."

"What did you just say?"

"Never mind, forget it."

So even Kirrin is on board?

But I have one more card to play—Olysia.

Olysia desperately wants me to remain a lifelong professor at the academy.

She’s always on edge, worrying that something might happen to jeopardize my position.

So when she hears that three female students are staying at our house? She’ll have a fit, and there’s no way she’ll allow it.

Olysia can be quite intense when she’s determined. If she decides to put her foot down, it’ll be hard to manage.

"That’s a great idea."

Olysia clapped her hands.


"If the students you’re teaching do well in the competition, the higher-ups will think highly of you, right?"

"Well, yes..."

"So, by any means necessary, you need to bring out the best in them. Group training sounds like a very effective approach."

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

