The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - C.8 – Just Trust Me


[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 8 – Just Trust Me

Rumors about the events at the Comprehensive Combat Training Grounds spread quickly through the academy. Word was that some lunatic claiming to be the Head Combat Professor had shown up with a mage and caused a scene.

In addition, there were testimonies about how he had wandered around all day, scribbling things in his notebook with a very disapproving expression.

Given the outrageous incident at the training grounds, it was almost certain that there would be a sweeping overhaul of the combat courses.

Reactions to this were starkly divided.

Those who genuinely wanted to become special agents of the Empire supported the changes. They had been worried that the current training methods wouldn’t prepare them adequately for field operations.

On the other hand, those who had grown accustomed to the comfortable life at the academy, or who had little interest in becoming special agents, opposed the changes. This group included nobles who had ended up here because they had no chance of inheriting their family titles.

In noble families, the eldest son typically inherits the title, leaving other children to find their own paths. Often, they either go into business using the family’s wealth or enter public service, where a diploma from the Imperial Special Mission Academy is highly valuable.

Graduating from the academy doesn’t automatically mean becoming a special agent. The curriculum is so extensive that graduates end up in various organizations and roles depending on their skills and final grades. This is why many nobles and high-ranking officials’ children are enrolled in what is essentially a ‘spy school.’

Considering the academy’s purpose, it shouldn’t admit such students, but ignoring the influence of nobles and high-ranking officials is not easy. These students don’t care about their combat course grades and focus solely on theoretical subjects, so they aren’t pleased with Dian’s actions.

With opinions sharply divided, Dian began his role as the Head Combat Professor in earnest.

“So, that’s how it’s going to be from now on.”

After finishing my explanation, I looked around to see the professors staring blankly at me.

We were in the Combat Department office. I had gathered the combat professors to outline my plan for overhauling the combat curriculum.

“Any questions?”

“Um… Head Professor.”

Infiltration Professor Lina timidly raised her hand.

“Is this approved by the headmaster? It doesn’t seem like it is.”

“It is. Here’s the signed report.”

I held up the report with a strange signature that looked like a cat giving a thumbs-up. There were gasps all around.

“Th-the headmaster actually signed off on a Combat Department report!”

“How did you manage that, Head Professor?!”

“There are ways. Anyway, everyone understands the improvement plan, right?”

Infiltration Professor Lina raised her hand again.

“I understand the content, but isn’t it too dangerous?”

“What’s there to be afraid of? This is an academy. No one’s going to die.”

“That’s true, but I’m concerned about the students getting injured. Especially with the upcoming night infiltration training….”

“Just take sufficient safety precautions. If we’re too scared to even try, what are we teaching them?”

Another professor raised his hand to speak.

“Head Professor, I’m the Weaponry Combat Professor, Geneb. There is a significant problem with this plan.”

A weaponry combat professor… I noticed his hands had calluses typical of an experienced swordsman, and his sharp eyes confirmed he was a veteran in his field.

“What’s the problem?”

“Our academy’s infirmary isn’t equipped to handle serious injuries. It can barely manage minor cuts and bruises.”

“That can’t be right. Don’t we have a Holy Priest?”

“We don’t.”

“Then who teaches emergency first aid and trauma care?”

“That would be me!”

Survival Professor Weber enthusiastically raised his hand, with a bow slung across his back. A hunter teaching first aid?

“Well, there’s a lot in common between survival skills and first aid! And butchering game is somewhat similar to basic surgery!”

What nonsense is this? A hunter teaching first aid in such a large academy without a Holy Priest is absurd.

“Since the headmaster scaled back combat training, they also let go of the Holy Priest to save the budget. After all, no training means no accidents, right?”

Weaponry Combat Professor Geneb explained bluntly.

This is like saying the server is fine, so we’re firing the entire development team. No wonder it seemed odd when I heard there was only one mage at the academy.

I see the headmaster is extremely cautious about safety and is also heavily cutting costs to avoid getting fired.

First, we need to strengthen the infirmary. I want to conduct realistic and intense training, not reckless drills. If students get injured, they need proper treatment.

“I’ll handle the medical issues. You all just focus on reorganizing the training plans according to my guidelines. The key is realistic training. Does anyone here lack field experience?”

“Head Professor.”

A female professor wearing glasses spoke up. It was Psychological Warfare Professor Felimia, who specializes in negotiation and persuasion.

“What is it? Don’t tell me you have no field experience?”

“Of course not. But there’s a critical flaw in your plan.”

“What is it?”

“You may not realize, but some of our students…”

“You mean the nobles and high-ranking officials’ children, right? You’re worried about the repercussions if something happens to them?”

Felimia fell silent, and the other professors nodded or sighed in agreement.

“That’s not something you need to worry about. I’ll take full responsibility. Just focus on teaching the students properly. Got it?”

“Can we really trust you on this?”

“Of course.”

At that moment, I noticed a hammer waving in the air from a nearby desk.

“Hey, Head Professor. I’ve got something to say too.”

The hammer belonged to Dwarf Kazador, the Combat Equipment Professor.

“Since we’re going to tear everything down and rebuild it, why not allocate some budget to our combat equipment as well?”

“Why combat equipment? They didn’t strip away all the tools because you think they’re dangerous for the kids, did they?”

“No, it’s not that. We’re just terribly short on practical training tools. We have five people forming teams just to share equipment.”

“Haa, I see… I’ll consider that too.”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

“Um, I have something to say too…”

This time, Combat Riding Professor Anna timidly spoke to me, hesitating.

“We also need things like hay and beans to feed our combat horses… The headmaster has significantly cut down on many things, citing the risk of falling off the horses…”

Oh, this crazy Dark Elf is trying to save even on the feed for the horses. Does she even know how much combat horses eat in a day?

“Alright, I’ll make sure to include everything you’ve mentioned. But in return, promise me this: unless there’s a major issue, we’ll do things my way. And don’t listen to the Headmaster. Since I’m under the headmaster, you are all under me, so everything must go through me. Understood?”

“Good, good! Brogg like Dian!”

Unarmed Combat Professor Brogg, an Orc, grinned, revealing his tusks, and pounded his desk with his fist. Thanks to him, the professors’ notebooks and pens trembled up and down.

“I’m in full agreement too! It’s been so boring without having to use magic.”

With freckles adorning his face, Orendi, the only mage at the academy and the Magic Response Professor in the Combat Department, created sparkling stars above his head and nodded in solidarity.

However, most professors still wore somewhat skeptical expressions. It was only natural for them to react this way when a young lad who had barely been in office for a week suddenly started tearing everything apart and insisted on being trusted blindly.

Anyway, that’s enough for today.

“If there are no further opinions, I expect everyone to revise their training and education plans by tomorrow. We’re about to graduate our first batch exactly a year from now, so we can’t afford to send out trash, right?”


“Of course.”

As the professors responded, desks were lightly slammed.

“Alright. Just trust me, everyone. That’s all for today!”

“I wonder how much will actually change…?”

After Head Professor Dian left the office, Combat Riding Professor Anna opened her mouth with a discouraged tone.

“The Combat Department has always been at the mercy of the academy since its inception… Even if he’s the Head Professor, he’s ultimately under the Headmaster’s authority…”

“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. But seeing that the Headmaster approved his requests, there’s no need to be too pessimistic.”

Responding positively, Magic Response Professor Orendi cheered up, Infiltration Professor Lina also nodded vigorously.

“You made quite a fuss earlier, so shouldn’t you show us something? Like during the last comprehensive combat training, ahaha.”

Laughing slyly, Lina glanced at Comprehensive Combat Professor Morton. It’s a well-known fact that Morton tried to assert dominance at the beginning but was promptly rebutted by Dian.

“So, Morton. How did it feel to face off with him? That man named Dian.”

As straightforward as a dwarf, Combat Equipment Professor Kazador directly asked Morton.

“At least he doesn’t seem like the type to care about putting himself in harm’s way like the current headmaster.”

“Ha, that’s something. Let’s see how it goes.”

With a simple mindset like a calculating machine, Kazador concluded his assessment of Dian, and the Orc, Unarmed Combat Professor Brogg, kept repeating how much he liked Dian.

“In fact, I don’t mind if combat subjects disappear completely, as long as I’m not affected!”

Survival Professor Weaver, naturally cheerful and optimistic, smiled widely and flicked his bow like a harp.

“Then the immediate issue is whether the manpower at the infirmary can be restored to what it was before.”

Psychological Warfare Professor Felimia adjusted her glasses and commented.

“Receiving a new Holy Priest from the Church again will be an opportunity to verify the Head Professor’s capabilities.”

“I think that’ll be difficult.”

Weaponry Combat Professor Geneb expressed bluntly.

“The Church is already displeased with the academy. It’s like asking them to come back after having kicked them out.”

“It’ll probably be impossible. Unless you have great connections in the Church.”

Comprehensive Combat Professor Morton sighed calmly and stood up.

“Well then, everyone, keep up the good work. I’m off to work on a new education reform plan.”

“Good luck.”

“Looks like overtime again today.”

As Morton left the room, Combat Equipment Professor Kazador shouted with a hammer in hand.

“Anyone got any logs to burn? Lend me one!”

“Brogg has! Let’s go, dwarf!”

As professors began to leave one by one, they each muttered something.

“Haa, I want to feed our combat horses properly…”

“I hope we get to put those arrogant Theory Department professors in their place this time.”

Following the professors out, Psychological Warfare Professor Felimia pondered deeply.

Could the Head Professor really bring back a Holy Priest from the Church?

The Head Professor’s education reform plan has no possibility of being realized if it is not supported by the infirmary’s capabilities, so he must bring in a Holy Priest.

But it seems highly unlikely that someone so young could negotiate with the Church, unless he has some extraordinary connections.

The Church is a powerful entity, towering above the Imperial Palace itself. They won’t be swayed by the whims of a mere academy. It’s best not to get their hopes up.

And none of the professors know anything about Dian’s background. Who is he, and where did he come from?


As I was walking up the stairs to the Church Headquarters, I heard a voice calling me.

Looking up, I saw Lormane, her purple clerical robe fluttering as she hurried down the steps.

“Dian! I’ve missed you!”

Lormane leaped down the last few steps and threw herself into my arms.

Lormane, the Chief Administrator of the Church. The healer in the special task force that took down the Demon King—my old comrade.

[Note: See pinned comment for Lormane character illustration.]

[Translator – Peptobismol]

