The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - C.72 – New Special Student (2)


[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 72 – New Special Student (2)

Kirrin covered her mouth and crouched beneath the window, overwhelmed by the absurd scene she had just witnessed.

What was that? What did I just see? Did I misinterpret it?

Just to be sure, Kirrin peeked out the window again.

But she hadn’t been mistaken.

Professor Lina and Dian were walking through the night, chatting cheerfully.

What is this, what is this… What is this all about…

Crouching back down, Kirrin quickly thought of several possibilities.

Professor Lina was returning from late-night work and ran into Dian.

That’s plausible.

Both Professor Lina and Dian worked late and returned together.

But Dian’s attire doesn’t seem to fit that scenario.

Professor Lina called Dian out for a night walk.

Hmm… That’s possible…

Dian called Professor Lina out for a night walk.

Could Dian…?

They went somewhere together and just returned now.


No matter how she thought about it, her thoughts kept spiraling in a bad direction…?

What is this, what is this…? What’s going on between those two…?

Peeking out again, she saw Dian walking away while Professor Lina entered the dormitory alone.

At least they didn’t go somewhere else together. That’s a small relief.

Alright, let’s think this through again.

Assuming Lina and Dian are romantically involved.

It’s natural for attractive, unmarried colleagues to develop feelings for each other and for that to progress.

Professor Lina and Dian are both single and at a suitable age, so it’s not really strange.

But she couldn’t just ignore this as a good thing.

This messes up all my plans… This is a big problem.

The key variable here is Dian’s feelings.

Their relationship isn’t clear yet.

They might have just coincidentally met on their way back, or maybe Professor Lina is the only one with feelings for Dian.

Okay. So, Dian might like Lina or he might not.

What about Dian’s feelings for her?

She couldn’t be sure.

The only thing that’s certain is that he didn’t seem to dislike it when they were pressed together in the elevator at the Ivronic Castle.

If he had been uncomfortable, he would have pushed her away or avoided her, but he didn’t.

She followed him around during the entire inspection, and he didn’t show any negative reactions.

So, at least he doesn’t dislike her.

She was neutral, and Lina either was neutral or slightly favorable.

Who knows?

Professor Lina has a lively personality, unlike her, so she might just habitually link arms with Dian.

First, she needed to clearly understand their relationship. Then, she could formulate a plan.

If Dian’s feelings for Lina are neutral, she would make the first move. If they’re favorable… she would still make the first move.

In any case, she must act first.

So, how should she go about it?

Kirrin hugged her knees and quietly pondered.

Upon arriving, Dian immediately reformed the academy and gained the full support of the Palace.

This shows that Dian isn’t someone who does things haphazardly or prefers idling.

Given his nature, it would be more effective to achieve results as the headmaster rather than approach him emotionally.

A diligent and competent person like Dian is likely to be more attracted to someone similar to himself.

If she attempted to raise his favorability using her ‘Dark Elf’s Racial Characteristics’ plan, she might be branded as a vulgar woman.

What Kirrin considered as ‘Dark Elf’s Racial Characteristics’ included smooth black skin and beautiful appearance, among other physical attributes.

From Dian’s perspective, who works tirelessly for the academy’s advancement, he might misunderstand her as a headmaster with misguided priorities.

In conclusion, Dian is currently a highly desirable man who could be taken by someone else at any time.

To achieve her plan, she must capture Dian’s heart first, and to do that, she must win his favor.

To win Dian’s favor, she needed to perform well as the headmaster and achieve significant results.

This will not only impress Dian but also create a good impression on the Second Princess, potentially aiding her transition from headmaster to professor in the future.

Alright, Kirrin. Let’s do this…!

[Translator – Peptobismol]

“Head Professor, the headmaster has requested to see you.”

A few days later, an assistant came to the faculty room to relay Kirrin’s message.

“Did she mention what it’s about?”

“She just said it’s related to the academy’s operations.”

Academy operations, huh? What could it be?

I thought about our current projects and other matters as I headed to the headmaster’s office.

“Oh? Hello.”

I raised my hand upon seeing Ismera standing in front of the headmaster’s office.

Her expression immediately soured upon seeing me. She doesn’t even try to hide her feelings anymore.

Ismera, who consistently disliked me since I took office, became blatantly hostile after our inspection at Ivronic Castle.

She probably thinks I was slacking off while she was working hard.

But I wasn’t slacking off. I was just late because of a reunion with the veterans.

I understand Ismera’s feelings. She works incredibly hard.

She’s highly qualified, akin to holding a doctorate in the real world, and is involved in almost every aspect of the academy.

If Ismera weren’t here, the academy would have failed.

She should have been the headmaster instead of Kirrin. The Second Princess would have done that long ago if not for the Emperor’s stubbornness.

Moreover, Ismera is a pureblood elf, so even her disdainful expression is beautiful, which doesn’t bother me much.

Elves have a low birth rate, a small population, and are known for being difficult and cunning. Their stunning looks must be a big reason they haven’t gone extinct.

It’s like how cats are loved by humans despite their troublesome nature because they’re cute.

“Please, Professor, show me more contempt.”

“What did you say?”


I smiled and entered the headmaster’s office, where Kirrin greeted me warmly.

“Welcome, Dian! And Professor Ismera…”

But her voice dropped significantly when she noticed Ismera.

“Please, have a seat. I have something to discuss.”

Ismera, who had sat across from me, averted her gaze as soon as our eyes met.

“So, I’ve been thinking…”

Kirrin began, glancing at Ismera.

“How about we participate in a contest?”

“A contest? Is there such a thing?”

What kind of contest exists in this JRPG-like medieval fantasy world?

I sent a questioning look, and Ismera sighed deeply before explaining.

Apparently, there are contests occasionally hosted by the Palace or other institutions for academy students.

They cover various subjects like literature, research, and more, similar to real-life contests. Winning these contests can be beneficial.

It’s good for building graduates’ resumes and enhancing the academy’s prestige, so there’s no reason not to participate.

“Sounds good. Let’s do it. But what kind of contest is it?”

“We need to decide that. I’ve already requested and received a list of current contests from the Palace.”

Kirrin handed me and Ismera a paper with a slightly shy demeanor.

“Can you take a look?”

As I scanned the list, Kirrin’s ears twitched, and she stared at me, looking like a dog awaiting praise.

“Wow, how did you manage to get this? Impressive.”

Complimenting her as she seemed to expect, Kirrin’s face turned a deep red. Ismera’s eyes reflected disdain, disgust, and various other negative emotions.

Alright, let’s put aside Kirrin’s confidence-boosting headmaster act for now and take a closer look.

The Imperial Literary Association’s Literature Award. Not suitable.

The Palace’s Department of Magical Engineering’s Innovative Magic Technology Research Contest. We don’t teach magic.

The Arts and Culture Association’s Painting and Sculpture Contest. More suited for the arts academy students.

The Chamber of Commerce’s Startup Idea Contest. Not applicable.

None of these seem relevant… Anything worthwhile?

As I continued reading the list, I found something interesting.

“How about this? The one hosted by the Continental Adventurers and Mercenaries Guild.”

{74th Guild President’s Ogre Hunting Competition}.

“Are you crazy?”

Ismera immediately protested.

“You want to send our students to a contest like this? I’m against it.”

“Huh? Why? Should the Special Mission Academy participate in a book club instead?”

“That’s not the issue. This is a barbaric competition. Were you living under a rock in Brunswell?”

Ismera explained that this competition involved releasing ogres into a large circular arena, and the winner was whoever killed them most brutally.

In short, it’s like bullfighting in the real world. Indeed, this doesn’t seem appropriate.

Hmm, is there anything suitable… Not really.

Seeing Kirrin and me silent, Ismera spoke up.

“Not all contests require brute force. Any contest where we place well would be beneficial, so let’s select a few substantial ones and invite participants.”

“Yes, Professor Ismera is right. That would be good. But I still feel we need something that fits the ‘Special Mission’ academy’s theme.”

“If you’re so keen on such a contest, why don’t you go to the Imperial Security Office and ask them to organize one?”

“Oh, that’s a great idea!”

Ismera clearly meant it sarcastically, but it gave me a good idea.

During the war, I briefly worked with other special force members who mentioned that a certain security office department regularly held tournaments or competitions to maintain their agents’ skills and justify performance bonuses.

If we could open that to the public, it would align with our academy’s purpose, and winning would be prestigious given the host would be the Imperial Security Office.

“Headmaster, you should visit the Palace and meet with the Second Princess.”


Kirrin looked ready to faint, and Ismera stared at me with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

