The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - C.6 – The New Professor is a Lunatic

The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

C.6 – The New Professor is a Lunatic

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 6 – The New Professor is a Lunatic

A separate professor’s office was prepared on the second floor of the main building. The nameplate on the door read “Head Combat Professor Dian.”

The office assigned to me was small and cozy. Since my predecessor had thrown in their resignation and left in the middle of the night, the furniture like the chair and desk were still there, ready for immediate use.

All the various office supplies were to be provided by the academy, but the problem was that bookshelf and those shelves…

The empty bookshelf and shelves standing against one wall of the office were really bothering me. But then again, I didn’t have any books to put there or anything to display, which was a bit of a problem. Ah, I’ve got a good idea.

“Sir Dian, are you sure you’ve become a professor here?”

Olysia, who had come at my call, looked at me suspiciously as she took out the things from her bag. What she brought were the tea set and snacks that we had been using back in Brunswell.

“Shouldn’t a professor have some books or something like that here?”

“I’m not someone who got in through a real exam, so it’s fine. Besides, what I’m teaching isn’t theory but practical experience.”

“But if you fill up the office with random stuff like this, the higher-ups might get annoyed.”

“Then I’ll just quit.”

Olysia looked at me with an incredulous expression.

“I don’t want to go back to that village.”

Now that I think about it, Olysia had always wanted to leave Brunswell. It wasn’t that she hated Brunswell specifically; she just wanted to go to a more developed city.

Girls her age usually prefer bustling shopping streets and neat noble districts over drunken, ignorant sailors and the smell of the sea breeze.

“Anyway, Sir Dian, please stay here. Since you’re here, do your best.”

“Sure, sure. Got it. While you’re at it, make me some tea. I have to go to a meeting.”

“Drink it here before you go. You don’t want to be criticized for being arrogant by bringing a teacup to the meeting.”

“What does it matter? It’s not a big deal to drink tea during a meeting.”

Carrying the cup of tea that Olysia had made, I walked down the corridor toward the meeting room.


As I opened the door and entered, numerous eyes turned toward me. There were about twenty people of various genders and races. Let’s see. Of course, there are dwarves, and there’s an orc too. I wonder if communication will be an issue.

“Why are you blocking the door?”

I turned around to see Headmaster Kirrin, the Dark Elf, standing there.

“And what’s with the teacup? I appreciate it, but I must decline. I usually in the morning…”

“Huh? This? I’m going to drink it?”

As I took a sip of tea, Headmaster Kirrin’s face turned a dark shade of red.

“Move aside.”

Following the headmaster into the meeting room, I looked for my seat. Is it over there? Next to the headmaster, huh.

“Don’t sit down. I was just about to introduce you anyway.”

Just as I was about to sit, the headmaster stopped me, so I awkwardly stood up again, still holding the teacup.

“Attention, everyone. This is our new Head Combat Professor, Dian.”

The professors murmured among themselves as they exchanged glances.

“He has the specialized knowledge suitable for our academy’s curriculum, and from today, he is part of our family. Please get along well with him. That’s all.”

As the headmaster finished speaking, the professors applauded, and I smiled in response and began to speak.

“Then, let me say a few words…”

“The meeting will start now. First, today’s agenda.”

Before I could even open my mouth properly, the meeting began. I had even prepared a few jokes for my introduction.

“Nice to meet you, Head Professor. I’m Lina, an Infiltration Professor in the Combat Department.”

As I sat down awkwardly, the professor next to me leaned over and whispered. She was a woman with short bobbed hair and a cheerful demeanor.

“Nice to meet you, Professor Lina.”

“I have a good tip for you. Today, make sure not to run into the Comprehensive Combat Professor outside of this meeting.”

Lina nodded toward the other end of the table, where a stern-looking man was staring at me.

“He’s the most senior in the Combat Department. He really hates it when people eat or drink during meetings.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. But since I have this, I might as well drink it.”

As I quickly sipped from the teacup in my hand, Lina covered her mouth and giggled, while deep wrinkles formed on the Comprehensive Combat Professor’s forehead.

The meeting’s agenda included today’s weather, schedules, the status of the academy students, and other routine matters. What caught my attention was the ‘safety evaluation.’

The safety evaluation, in simple terms, is the procedure of identifying and addressing potential hazards in the training and education conducted, but the process was so rigorous it was astonishing.

There were over fifty items, and if there was even a slight risk, the headmaster would personally intervene. 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝓮𝓌𝑒𝒷𝘯ℴ𝑣𝓮𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝘮

“That part is expected to cause ankle injuries for students, so replace it with practice on flat ground.”

“The sea water is very cold since it’s early spring, so delay the diving training to the next quarter to avoid hypothermia.”

“How about extending the warm-up time before training? That should reduce the risk of injuries.”

After the headmaster’s adjustments, almost half of the originally planned training was cut. What’s going on here?

“Is it always like this…?”

“Well the headmaster… she is extremely sensitive about students getting hurt and accidents…”

Seeing Lina’s awkward smile, I immediately understood the situation. Headmaster Kirrin was doing this to avoid giving anyone a reason to oust her.

In my previous life in the military, it was common for commanders to be fired one after another if an accident occurred. Given that the Second Princess was already trying to find any excuse to replace her, Kirrin couldn’t afford even the slightest mishap.

I understand the sentiment, but if things continue this way, proper education won’t be possible… This is worrying.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

After the meeting, the first place I visited was the Comprehensive Combat Training Ground. It’s the largest training area in the academy and the place where students who are about to graduate are stationed.

It’s an appropriate first destination for the Head Combat Professor, who needs to understand the overall training in the Combat Department. Though the Comprehensive Combat Professor walking in front of me doesn’t seem to think so.

“It is against etiquette to eat or drink during a meeting, Head Professor.”

With broad shoulders, a thick neck, and a long, braided white beard, the Comprehensive Combat Professor looked like someone who had a prominent past. However, contrary to his appearance, he was quite a petty person. What’s the big deal about having a cup of tea?

“Please refrain from doing so next time.”

“I’m in the habit of drinking tea in the morning. I’ll try to refrain.”

The Comprehensive Combat Professor stopped and turned to look at me.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

“I’m old enough. And isn’t the Head Professor a higher rank than a regular professor? What’s wrong with using informal speech?”

[TL/N: Mc is talking to him in an informal/casual tone.]

“I’m old enough as well.”

“I can tell. Your beard says it all.”

I pointed at the Comprehensive Combat Professor’s white beard with my finger.

“Drinking tea during a meeting is something you can’t let slide, but apparently, it’s not a problem for a professor to grow such a beard at this academy?”

“This has a special meaning. You probably don’t know, but…”

“Of course, I know. Isn’t it a sign of pride from the long-range patrol unit?”

The long-range patrol unit of the corps operates deep within enemy territory for months, so they can’t shave regularly, resulting in braided beards, which have now become a tradition. A ridiculous tradition.

“I don’t know how long you served or which battles you fought in, but don’t make the foolish mistake of trying to assert superiority with that. Isn’t it obvious why I hold the position of Head Professor at this age?”

The Comprehensive Combat Professor’s face flushed, but he seemed unable to find any words to refute. Since he’s older than me, I didn’t want to push him too hard, so I smiled and patted his shoulder.

“I’ll try not to eat or drink during meetings. So let’s ease the tension. If you’re too rigid, you’ll get seriously ill later on.”


The Comprehensive Combat Training Ground I arrived at was a straight line course running from the bottom of a hill to the top within the academy. The training course involves reaching the flag at the top of the hill within a set time limit.

At first glance, it seems simple, but with dozens of various obstacles along the route, overcoming them is no easy feat.

I climbed the control tower at the starting line to observe the students practicing on the course. About thirty students were advancing toward the top at different speeds like ants.

But strangely, their movements were sluggish, and some of the obstacles even had bypass routes or planks laid out like bridges.

“Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!”

In the section where they were supposed to suppress the enemy with arrows from behind cover, they were shooting bows without arrows and making sound effects with their mouths. What the hell is this?!

“Professor, what’s this? Why is the training so sloppy?”

“By the Headmaster’s order, we’ve removed all dangerous elements to ensure safety.”

Upon hearing the details, I learned that high-risk obstacles were omitted, and they didn’t provide arrows for fear of accidents.

This needs to be addressed. If things continue this way, the level of the academy’s graduates will drop, leading to complaints from the Inspection and Intelligence Bureau.

The Second Princess, upon confirming those complaints, would seize the opportunity to oust the headmaster. If the headmaster is dismissed, I’ll be the one dragged up to fill the vacancy.

If I don’t take the position, they might threaten to bring Linus back, who just started looking after his newborn. That mustn’t happen. There’s a reason I came here.

“Is there a mage in this academy?”

“There is, but… why do you ask?”

“Bring the mage here. From now on, I’ll personally oversee this place.”

Boom, boom.

Buried in paperwork, Headmaster Kirrin was startled by the sudden explosion and vibration. She rushed to the window. From there, she saw a massive cloud of dust rising from the middle of the hill where the Comprehensive Combat Training Ground was located.

What’s happening? We removed all the factors that could cause such commotion from today’s training.

As new clouds of dust formed with flashes of light, Kirrin suddenly remembered Dian mentioning that he would be visiting the Comprehensive Combat Training Ground.

No way, no way… no way…?!

Kirrin didn’t even bother with the stairs, jumping out of the second-floor window.

Landing like a cat, Kirrin immediately dashed toward the comprehensive training ground, which was shaking with successive explosions.


Upon arriving at the training ground, Kirrin was speechless, frozen by the sight before her.

Dozens of academy students were running up the hill as if their lives depended on it, resembling active soldiers in a battle for high ground.

Flashes of light streaked down, exploding among the students’ rear.

The source of the light was the control tower at the starting line. A mage from the academy was enthusiastically casting attack spells.

And next to the mage….

“Over there this time! Keep pushing! Training is like real combat! Real combat is like training!”

Head Professor Dian was wildly swinging a long branch, directing the fire.

“A drop of sweat in training saves a bucket of blood in real combat! Keep pounding them!”

“Argh! You crazy bastard!!!”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

