The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - C.4 – The Newcomer with Crazy Experience

The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

C.4 – The Newcomer with Crazy Experience

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 4 – The Newcomer with Crazy Experience

“Wow! Sir Dian! Look at that!”

Olysia leaned over the railing of the deck, excitedly exclaiming.

In the ship’s forward direction, a majestic city came into view as the ship plowed through the waves.

Along the coastal cliffs stood tall and sturdy city walls, with numerous flags fluttering atop the sturdy watchtowers.

In the harbor city center, buildings with various roofs crowded densely, and various ships, large and small, were coming and going.

On long stretches of docks, ships from all nations were docked, proudly displaying their grandeur, while sailors and merchants were bustling with loading and unloading tasks.

Coast guard ships in the forefront were blocking suspicious vessels, and amidst the chaos, a few people even fell off the deck into the sea.

It was as if the city itself were a giant living organism, moving and bustling on its own, with no visible scars of the war that had been trampled by the Demon King’s army.

The capital of the Great Empire, Calvasar. The origin of all cultures, technologies, and trends on the continent. It was where I left everything behind ten years ago.

“Wow, it’s my first time seeing such a big city! Look at all the people!”

“It’s the capital of the Empire, so it’s natural. That’s just a part of it. The mainland is even bigger.”


The ship we were on entered a separate dock slightly further inside, where private ships were anchored.

There, the headquarters of the Third Imperial Fleet spread out, with ships much larger than the one we came on.

They say even mountains and rivers change in 10 years, to rebuild a fleet that was completely decimated by the Demon King’s army in such a short time was unbelievable.

“The masts of those ships… they’re even taller than the temple’s bell tower…”

Olysia looked up at the masts of passing warships, her mouth agape in astonishment.

“Let’s disembark now, Dian. Miss Olysia.”

As Linus and I disembarked, a luxurious carriage drawn by four horses approached from the other side and stopped in front of us. It seemed to be a carriage from the Imperial Palace, here to greet us.

“Wow, I’ve never ridden in such a carriage…”

Olysia couldn’t stop marveling, tapping the plush cushions. In Brunswell, where we were, the city itself wasn’t so big that carriages were ever used.

“But Linus, I’m curious. Is there some problem with the Academy Headmaster?”

“It’s a bit complicated. She’s highly skilled individually, but she’s considered lacking in managerial supervision abilities.”

“Is her personality too eccentric?”

“Well, that’s…”

“Oh my goodness, it’s the Imperial Palace!”

Just as Linus was about to answer, Olysia suddenly exclaimed, her eyes fixed on something in the distance.

Looking out the window, we were already in front of the drawbridge of the Imperial Palace. It was where Linus and I had parted ways ten years ago. Surprisingly, nothing seemed to have changed here, not even a single brick.

Perhaps forewarned, we were led straight through without inspection and the carriage proceeded directly across the drawbridge, stopping in front of the Imperial Palace gates.

“Miss Olysia, you’ll go to a separate waiting room. Follow the attendant. Dian, you come this way.”

“See you later, Sir Dian.”

Parting ways with Olysia, I followed Dian through the grand entrance of the Imperial Palace.

“Welcome, Sir Linus. We’ve been expecting you, Sir Dian.”

As soon as we passed through the door, a neatly dressed servant approached and greeted us.

“The Second Princess is in her study. I’ll take you there.”

The Second Princess? I thought we were going to meet some minister related to this matter… It would have been more plausible if it were the Emperor, but where did the Second Princess suddenly come from?

“Linus, why do we have to see the Second Princess?”

“The Second Princess currently holds the position of Imperial Director of National Security. Both the Intelligence Bureau and the Surveillance Corps are under her command.”

“Oh, I see. So she’s hogging all the important roles for herself.”

“The Intelligence Bureau and the Surveillance Corps have the highest demand for graduates of the Special Mission Academy, which is why the Second Princess is directly involved.”

Wait a minute. Let me think… What kind of person was the Second Princess…

During the war, the Second Princess was stationed as a commander on another front, so I had never seen her face before. I heard she was very capable, having turned the tide of unfavorable battles multiple times.

Given that most nobles and aristocratic generals had repeatedly suffered defeats due to incompetence, it made sense that after the war, the Second Princess held key positions.

“Your Highness, Sir Linus and his friend Sir Dian are here.”

As soon as we entered the modest study, a young woman stood up from her chair to greet us.

“Welcome. You’ve traveled far.”

Seeing the Second Princess’s face for the first time, I was slightly surprised.

Her hair was close to silver, unique to the Royal Family, so that wasn’t surprising. And her height was quite tall, but there could be individual variations, so that was understandable.

What surprised me were her eyes.

The Second Princess’s left eyelid was wrinkled and folded. It was where a long scar extended from her forehead to her chin.

Despite that, it was insufficient to hide her overflowing grace and beauty. Perhaps because of the relaxed smile on her lips, it seemed like the Second Princess was playfully winking.

“Are you surprised? Is it because of this eye?”

The Second Princess chuckled softly, pointing to the scar that had consumed half of her face.

“From what I’ve heard, you too, were part of the Special Operations Force with Sir Linus. You must have seen limbs being severed and crushed as easily as breathing?”

“Yes, Your Highness. However, seeing someone of your stature bearing such a large scar is somewhat surprising. Most would have pushed their subordinates in and fled themselves.”

The attendant standing beside us almost popped his eyes out at the informal response, and Linus touched his forehead, letting out a faint sigh.


On the other hand, the Second Princess burst into laughter, so much so that her uvula could be seen.

“That feels refreshing. Please take a seat.”

As we sat down on the sofa, the Second Princess, who was seated opposite us, leaned comfortably against the backrest and spoke.

“So, Sir Dian. Sir Linus has recommended you, and I’ve looked into you a bit. Your record is quite impressive.”

“I didn’t want to die, so I ran around with Linus, and got lucky.”

“Is that so? By any chance, are you not the incarnation of the God of War, Hala?”

“If you’re joking, then yes, if you’re serious, then no.”

The Second Princess seemed to like my answer, as she burst into laughter again.

“I like that very much. Sir Linus, your judgment was very appropriate. With your experience and boldness, you seem fit to lead the Academy.”

“That’s an exaggeration, Your Highness. But… I have something to tell you.”

When Linus spoke cautiously, the Second Princess sent him a questioning look.

“In fact, Dian hopes to become a professor rather than the headmaster.”

The Second Princess remained silent, waiting for the next words, and Linus carefully explained the conversations they had before coming here.

Due to his temperament, Dian felt a great burden suddenly taking on the heavy responsibility of being the Headmaster of the Imperial Special Mission Academy.

However, unable to refuse Linus’s request, he reluctantly agreed to become a professor instead of the headmaster as a compromise.

In Linus’s personal opinion, Dian possessed exceptional combat abilities, surpassing anyone else on the continent. However, he lacked any experience in managerial positions, which could be advantageous from the Empire’s perspective in various ways.

It might be better to keep the current headmaster in place and have Dian serve as a professor, providing appropriate assistance and advice.

The Second Princess, sipping her drink brought by the servant, listened attentively to Linus’s words until the end, then spoke up.

“Well, that’s not a bad idea. However, I would like to add one more thing.” 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖

“What would that be?”

“In that case, why don’t we appoint Sir Dian as a professor and you, Sir Linus, continue as the headmaster?”

“Your Highness. As I told you last time…”

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Before Linus could finish speaking, I stood up abruptly from the sofa.

“The reason I came here was to help Linus, after hearing that he was having a difficult time with being the headmaster. From what the Princess has said, I see no reason for me to be here.”

Looking at me, the Second Princess calmly asked.

“Do you believe you can leave from here?”

“Do you believe I cannot?”

A cold silence settled in the study, as if cold water had been poured.

“I apologize, Your Highness.”

Linus, who had been silent, spoke up.

“I’ll see Dian off myself.”

Linus, rising from his seat, took hold of my arm.

“Let’s go, Dian. I’m sorry. I’ll schedule a ship for you to get back home.”

“No, it’s fine. Since we’re already in the capital, I’ll stay for a few days and explore. Just give me the inn fee.”

“Just a moment.”

As we were about to leave the room, the Second Princess called us back from behind. Turning around, we saw the Second Princess still sitting on the sofa, speaking.

“I’ll accept that proposal.”

“You need to clarify what proposal you’re accepting.”

“The current headmaster will stay in position and Sir Dian will be appointed as a professor. Sir Linus will return home as requested. However, it’ll not be retirement.”

As I tried to object, the Second Princess raised a finger.

“It’ll be parental leave, until the child reaches a certain age. The duration is ten years, with the salary remaining the same.”


I couldn’t help but marvel. Ten years of paid parental leave? That’s insane!

The Second Princess, despite her initial impression, turned out to be unexpectedly cool and admirable.

“What do you think, Sir Linus? My conditions.”

“It’s more than generous, Your Highness. Thank you.”

Linus bowed deeply in gratitude.

“Very well. Sir Dian, go to the academy immediately. Adapt to your professorial duties as soon as possible.”

“Right now? Okay, I understand.”

“Sir Linus, we’ll talk separately later.”

“Understood, Your Highness.”

After exchanging pleasantries, we headed toward the main gate where the carriage was waiting.

“Hey, Linus. What’s with that woman?”

“She may seem like that, but she’s actually a very warm-hearted person. Try to lighten up when you see her.”

“I see. I’m not sure. But, wait a moment. Does that mean that woman is now my boss’s boss’s boss?”

“Pretty much.”

Hmm, I can’t decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But since Linus said she’s a good person, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.

“Dian, go to the academy by yourself. I have a lot of tasks to complete before my leave, so I won’t be able to accompany you.”

As Olysia and I boarded the carriage, Linus apologized with a regretful expression.

“It’s okay. I’m not a kid. Say hello to Celine for me. I’ll invite her over soon.”

“Will do. Thank you so much, Dian. Once again, you’ve saved me.”

After parting ways with Linus, Olysia and I headed straight to the Special Mission Academy.

Standing by the office window, the Second Princess watched as the carriage passed through the academy gate.

His name was Dian, right? I knew he was Linus’s close friend, but I didn’t expect him to be that remarkable.

Even in front of the Empire’s Second Princess, he didn’t seem intimidated at all. And when she saw Dian’s gaze looking at her as he asked if she really believed he couldn’t leave the Imperial Palace, the Second Princess felt a shiver run down her spine.

When Linus recommended Dian as a replacement while expressing his desire to retire and take care of his child, the Second Princess had already decided to grant Linus ten years of paid leave.

And when she heard that Dian wanted to become a professor rather than the headmaster, she thought it was a very good idea.

Dian’s desire for Linus to be able to take care of his family was greater than his own desire to go to the academy. That could be used to her advantage.

However, provoking Dian was simply out of curiosity about how remarkable the Hero’s friend could be. Ironically, it turned out to be a move that gave her the upper hand.

Perhaps it was an expected outcome after all.

The Princess lowered her gaze to the documents she held in her hand. It was Dian’s military service record. A clear stamp indicating “Level 1 Classified” was imprinted at the top and bottom.

Initial Rank: Private / Final Rank: Major (Special Appointment) / Service Period: 3 years, 1 month

Honors history (excluding commendations below the rank of military commander)

Third Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the tactical assessment of the Camel Ridge Defense Battle by acquiring enemy combatants and prisoners of war.

Third Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the Dervion District Battle by eliminating enemy vanguard ogres with comrades.

Second Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the blockade of rebel supply lines in the Kalias Plains with comrades.

Second Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the elimination of numerous enemy infiltration squads in the Razzoram Pass Battle with comrades.

First Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the defense and protection of civilian villages under enemy attack with comrades.

Special Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the elimination of enemy corps commanders in the Black Swamp Battle with comrades.

Special Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the elimination of enemy corps commanders in the Orendir Battle with comrades.

Special Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the capture of the enemy’s stronghold by breaching the walls and opening the gates in the Ivronic Castle Liberation Battle with comrades.

Special Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the elimination of enemy corps commanders in the Pinluk Battle with comrades.

Special Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the elimination of enemy corps commanders in the Felimia Battle with comrades.

Special Class Meritorious Service Medal: Contributed to the elimination of enemy corps commanders in the Tyraelen Battle.

Empire’s Highest Class Meritorious Service Medal: Delayed the movement of the Dragon Hydrastar with comrades, ensuring safe retreat conditions for friendly forces.

Empire’s Hero Medal: Contributed to the slaying of the Demon King.

With a newcomer with such an impressive military record, it would indeed be quite challenging for the headmaster. Will she be able to continue holding her position?

The Second Princess smiled softly and returned to her desk.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

