The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - C.106 - Ismera’s Great Forest (5)


[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 106 - Ismera's Great Forest (5)

"The Tiraellen Forest is here."

Weaber pointed to a spot on the map.

The professors who saw it let out low groans.

The place Weaber pointed to was a forest located to the northeast of the academy.

It was a very far distance, nearly a three-day journey by carriage.

"This is strange."

The orc professor Grogg pointed a thick finger at the eastern forest of the academy.

"Ismera's home is this way, so why go out that way?"

He was right.

To get to the Tiraellen Forest, it would make more sense to go north rather than east.

"Because of the forest."

Morton, who hadn't said a word until now, finally spoke.

"Elves can move very quickly in the forest. Passing through the eastern forest and then here, here, and here is better than heading north, which is mostly urban and plains, from an elf's perspective."

The route Morton indicated was a very long, roundabout path that passed through the academy’s eastern forest, then to the northeast, north, north, west, northwest, and west.

However, as Morton said, if you go that way, you can continuously move through the forest, like stepping stones, with only brief interruptions.

"Are you saying that even though it's such a far distance, she could arrive faster than by going north?"

Orendi scratched his head, genuinely unable to understand.

"Then why did so many elves die during the war? If they had just run away, it seems like they all could have survived."

"That's because elves value their Great Forests more than their lives. To elves, a Great Forest holds a meaning incomparable to human dwellings."

Morton explained.

"Each elven tribe has a sacred tree they revere. The Great Forests formed around these trees are their homes for tens of thousands of years. To an elf, a Great Forest is their religion, their survival, their entire world."

"Were you an elf?"

"When I was in active service, I picked up bits and pieces of information here and there."

When Kazadar asked, Morton replied curtly.

"Then the question is whether Professor Ismera really went home or if she left to find a new job."

"We should head to the forest."

Felimia suggested.

"After earning her High Master's degree, Professor Ismera came directly to the academy. She has no other work experience and no other skills—she's a pureblood elf. So even if she were to change jobs, it would be in a similar field, like education or research. But with such an impressive qualification like a High Master’s degree, it's actually harder to change jobs unless it’s in the capital or another large city. Only a few places can accommodate someone with such credentials. That means we could still find her if she’s changing jobs. But if she’s gone to the forest, we won’t be able to find her unless we go after her."

Felimia was right. We needed to go to the forest.

But there was one problem.

"This is the size of a small kingdom."

Lina clicked her tongue at the boundaries of the forest marked on the map.

"Not all of it is a Great Forest. She’s somewhere in this vast forest, but how are we supposed to find her?"

Lina looked around, but Weaber shook his head, looking completely unsure.

"We already lost her trail in the eastern forest of the academy. In such a large forest, we’ll never find her."

"There is a way."

All the professors looked at me.

"Orendi, prepare yourself."

"Eek? I can’t do it! The distance is too far, and I can’t pinpoint the exact coordinates for a dimensional portal. Especially in a forest, if I'm off by even a little, we could end up impaled on a tree branch…."

"I’m not asking you to send us there. Just get us close enough. We don’t have time to take a carriage."

"Close enough?"

"There’s someone who knows the exact location of the Tiraellen Forest."

After the competition ended.

Ismera slipped out of the welcome ceremony and entered the main building alone.

"Oh? Head Professor!"

Assistants who were heading to the welcome ceremony late ran up to Ismera.

"Congratulations! We heard that you accurately predicted all the questions. You’re amazing, as always!"

"Now we won’t have to see the Combat Department flaunting themselves anymore!"


Despite the assistants’ congratulations, Ismera responded with an emotionless smile and quietly passed by them.

Returning to her office, Ismera staggered to her chair and sat down.

On the desk was a letter that had arrived for her.

Ismera slowly reached out and picked it up.

The envelope was elegantly scrawled with a name in the unique script used only by elves.

Only pureblood elves like Ismera would know exactly how to read it.

‘To my beloved Ismera.’

Leaning back in her chair, Ismera opened the envelope and took out the letter.

‘To my beloved Ismera.’

The first line was the same as the one on the envelope.

"It’s already been over ten years since you left for the human city. Ten years is just a fleeting moment, but for some reason, it feels especially long."

A faint smile spread across Ismera’s lips.

‘How’s life at the academy? I still vividly remember how you left, boasting that you’d become the Headmaster. Since there’s been no news, I assume it hasn’t happened yet.’

If it had been an ordinary elf, the meaning behind this would have been, "You, a Headmaster? Dream on," and Ismera would have torn the letter to shreds in anger.

But instead, Ismera just gave a sad smile.

The person who sent the letter was not someone who would ever mock Ismera like that.

‘But don’t be too hasty. A needle in a pocket will eventually poke through. The world will recognize your talents one day, I’m sure of it.’


Ismera let out a sigh of comfort as she read the advice she had heard countless times but never grew tired of.

‘The forest’s restoration is progressing smoothly, thanks to you and all our kin who endure hardship in the strange human city and send funds. I’m always grateful. It’ll take at least a few hundred years to regain the appearance it had before the war. But that’s okay. This is for our descendants, not for us.’

Biting her lip, Ismera continued reading the letter.

‘My dear friend Ismera. I always miss you. If life in the human city becomes too difficult and unbearable, come back to the forest. You’re always welcome.’

After reading the entire letter, Ismera folded it and struggled to hold back her tears.

Nierta, who is always on my side.

But what should I do? I can’t send any more money to the forest for a while. I’ve been dismissed.

I don’t know what to do anymore.

What would you have said if you were here?

You’d probably say it’s okay. That I can start over.

But I’m not as optimistic as you.

Even though I won first place in the competition, I’m not happy at all.

I hoped that the Imperial Palace would recognize my contribution to winning first place in the competition, even just a little.

I hoped to keep my pride as a Head Professor by personally tutoring Merilda.

But now, everything is over.

Kaiden, the mage from the Demon King’s Special Task Force, will come as the new Head Theoretical Professor, and I’ll be dismissed.

In the past, I would have blamed Dian for all of this and burned with hatred and anger.

But now, I don’t even feel that anymore.

Because I already know.

That it wasn’t Dian or Kirrin’s fault that I fell into ruin.

Neither of them did anything wrong.

It’s just that I wasn’t destined to become the Headmaster.

The forest was destroyed by the Demon King’s army.

I left for the human city and managed to secure a decent job, but my superior was protected by the Emperor.

I held on, hoping that if I just endured, everything would be fine, but then another professor with connections to the Imperial Court showed up.

Even though I did my best in my position, hoping I’d be recognized someday.

Now they’re trying to put someone new in my place.

This isn’t anyone’s fault or some conspiracy.

It’s just… just that the world is rejecting me.

Ismera slowly opened her eyes.

Then she took out some paper and a pen.

I’ll resign.

It’s better to leave than to be dismissed.

Even if I could stay on as a regular professor, I couldn’t accept that.

It’s better to die than to go from Head Professor to regular professor overnight.

No matter what I do here, I can’t change the situation.

This is a decision made by the Second Princess, who wields the greatest power in the Empire.

Ismera carefully folded the resignation letter and placed it in an envelope before standing up.

As she looked down at the resignation letter, she thought about potential places where she could move to.

After all, with a High Master’s degree and the experience of being the Head Professor at the Imperial Academy, there should be plenty of places where she could go.


But right now, I’m so tired.

Everything I’ve worked so hard for over the past ten years has crumbled in an instant.

I just want to rest for a little while.

Suddenly, Ismera recalled the words at the end of Nierta’s letter.

‘If life in the human city becomes too difficult and unbearable, come back to the forest. You’re always welcome.’

Yes, let’s go to the forest.

Let’s go to the forest and rest, even if it’s just for a little while.

Otherwise, I might really die.

I want to die, but I mustn’t.

For the sake of the forest’s restoration, I have to work again.

So just for a little while, just a little while.

Rest in the forest, recover, and then work again, Ismera.

The next morning at dawn, Ismera left for the eastern forest.

Elves can move quickly in the forest, so she should be able to get far away before the academy gets noisy.

And so, Ismera set off for her homeland forest.

"Is this the person’s house? The one who knows where Professor Ismera’s Great Forest is?"

After stepping out of the dimensional portal, Orendi looked up at the grand mansion standing tall in the middle of a cultivated field.

"But that crest. It looks really familiar…."

Orendi scratched his head as he stared at the crest of two fists crossed above the front gate.

Ignoring Orendi, I knocked on the door, and a servant came out.

"Hello. I’m Dian, a friend of Linus. Is Linus home?"

"W-what?! What did you say?! You are who?!"

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

