Chaos Devourer System - C.545: Test OF The Soul

Chaos Devourer System

C.545: Test OF The Soul

Chapter 545: Test OF The Soul

“Now you have a 70% chance of passing the two other tests. If you can pass the first test and even able to ace it, I have no doubt that you would be able to pass the remaining two tests.

But definitely do not allow overconfidence to set into your head, okay?” Senna said as Zeras gave a simple nod.

Overconfidence truly was what killed the majority of geniuses but not him.

“With that completed, let’s move on to the second test of this event…” The Ten Thousand Transformation sect envoy announced as all the remaining geniuses raised up their heads and turned to look at her.

“The first test was the test of the body, and quite the number of you were able to pass it, with some even being able to pass the mark, which was the third pressure and lasted up to the fifth pressure. That is some good result,” she praised, her eyes scanning some geniuses who were able to pass through the third pressure.

For a fleeting second, her eyes faintly glazed over Zeras, the one who absolutely aced the test, but what she saw him doing quite surprised her.

He was actually rubbing over his cat’s jaw, and with such a focused attention nonetheless.

‘Just what type of creature is he?’ She thought to herself.

A genius of an average third-grade clan that is slowly dying. How can they produce such a genius? Besides, he doesn’t even look like his race’s elder.

She thought, noticing the difference between Senna and Zeras. Senna, being a Giaran, had light green skin and six eyes, even though only two were currently opened. It was a perfect distinguishing from Zeras who was white-skinned, and with only two eyes.

That was a very wide difference, meaning most probably, Zeras didn’t come from their race, or might be a very weird anomaly of it.

After all, they truly were strange cases if anomalies of some in a race not looking in any way like the race where they were born into.

Still, it was something very rare that rarely happens.

But if the young man wasn’t truly from the Giaran race, then his origin would be a mystery that had managed to pique her interest.

“The second test would be a test focusing on the second most important qualities of a cultivator’s aspect, and that would be none other than the soul. The way this would be tested will be pretty straightforward, so please listen well,” she said as Zeras finally turned his attention to her.

“It would be in an undying realm just like earlier, but it would be an undying realm that targets the soul. On entering the realm, you would be faced with the thing you fear the most in your soul,” she said as Zeras turned his full attention to her.

“You will be faced with your greatest fear, and all you have to do is to last five minutes before it,” she said as all the various geniuses found their eyebrows thinning.

“Sounds easy, right? Just stand before your fear for five minutes. That is it, once you do that, you would have successfully passed the test,” she said as silence reigned in the stadium.

That looked like the easiest test of all. Of course, everyone had something that they feared, but they would no doubt be able to all stand before it for at least five minutes. The test just sounded easy.

“Too easy to be true,” Zeras said to himself as he looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

“That said, there is something that you must know before you take the test, and that is that the more you fear, your fear, the longer the 5-minute time frame is extended.

So some of you can have your five minute time frame extending to an entire week, while some of you will have your five minute looking like 30 seconds.

In other words, your time frames are different for each of you, but your time frame is still five minutes in the outside world, and once your five minutes elapse on the outside world, you’ll be out of the realm, so we won’t have to wait for an entire week for some of you, the real-life time frame doesn’t change.

And also, your action of your fears cannot be comprehended by us. Some of you might get attacked by your fears, some of you ridiculed, some of you corrupted by it. It can do anything to you, the most famous of which is getting attacked by it.

Whatever it does, last five minutes against it. Something that you should be able to do if you lower your fear of it as time passes by. freewēbnoveℓ.com

“That said, this might be the easiest of the test but it can also be the most haunting with some of you running mad from it.

But if you can’t even last five minutes against your fear, then you’re not worthy of entering any of the three sects,” she said mercilessly with a listless expression, and the test was something that greatly piqued Zera’s curiosity.

“Just what do I even fear!?” Zeras asked himself with furrowed eyebrows, and when he started thinking about it, there wasn’t a single person that Zeras could say he was afraid of.

He had come from the lower realm, and if there is something or someone that he would fear, it will be coming from there. But he was now so strong, so strong that he could step on anyone in the lower realms that he had once feared before.

So what could really scare Zeras now?

The system was something that had always haunted him for some time, but after Zeras had successfully trapped it in soul realm, and even though it had ‘escaped’ he had no longer feared it. Because he now knew the system wasn’t really supreme.

So what does he even fear in the end? That was something that he was curious about.

“Now that you have understood it, let us immediately begin!”

